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feed Multilingual features of XOOPS - White Paper (2012/4/15 23:40:00)
Multilingual features of XOOPS - White Paper

Michael Beck (mamba) wrote to me a number of days ago to ask me to write a basic white paper on making use of multilingual features of XOOPS better in modules, as alot of my modules including the Content Module X-Centre as well as the Forum - X-Forum make use of the multilingual centres in XOOPS and will strap with X-Language to allow content based on the language provided.

If you write modules I would encourage you to read this whitepaper it only goes for 7 pages and start to implement something similar in your modules to take advantage of multilingual centres in XOOPS so more modules support the API X-Language and/or other APIs and language centres in XOOPS.


This document will show you how to make your module multilingual and interact with X-Language or similar API for XOOPS to enable content and function of content to be multilingual within the module. The idea for example is to have One URL for many different languages with the same IDs etc so that XOOPS multilingual features can be used in conjunction with your module. In this module I will use X-Forum 5.78 & X-Centre 2.16 as example so you can download the source code and use it as a basis to make your module multilingual as well.

PDF Whitepaper:

Download: Multilingual-features-of-XOOPS.pdf - 192Kb

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