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feed Updated Roadmap for XOOP 2.6.0 (2012/12/31 21:20:00)
The Core Team is hard at work on XOOPS 2.6.0, as you can see from their commits to SVN (Remember, you can subscribe to our SVN mailing list to be notified about all SVN submissions.)

Below is the updated Roadmap for XOOPS 2.6.0:

Alpha 2

Extracting some functionality from Core into separate extensions or modules.

- Comments.
- Notifications.

- Image manager.
- Search.
- qrcode
- logger
- xcaptcha
- xlanguage

Integration of PDF library.

- use html2pdf in extension "pdf" ( http://html2pdf.fr/en/default )

Content module.

- In order to easily add content "out of the box" .

Menu Module.

- This system allow to create all kind of menus.

Everything in green is done.

Alpha 3

Adding a theme manager in the system module.

- This section allows you to manage themes like modules so you can install, uninstall, or disable a theme.
- We can of course add a few settings in the theme (eg. Logo, size, etc. ..) and all these settings will be visible in the theme.

Integration of rewrite mode in XOOPS.

Modification of blocks positions.

Adding several features requested.

- We have not yet defined which will be integrated. The core team will evaluate the request and integrate only one that will not delay the release of 2.6. For others they will be integrated into version 2.7


Bugs fixed.


Correction of the latest bugs.

Estimated Dates (Subject to change!)

Version Alpha 2: 15 January 2013

Version Alpha 3: 15 April 2013

Versions Beta ( 1, …): From April to Mai 2013

Versions RC ( 1, …): From Mai to Jun 2013

Final Version: August 2013

Your Core Development Team

Nicolas, Trabis, DuGris and Mage

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