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link XOOPS.org XOOPS.org (2024/9/21 17:35:36)

feed New Frameworks: WideImage_for_xoops (2013/2/26 4:40:00)
Here is a Frameworks for managing images. Frameworks that is based on PHP class WIDEimage and has been optimized for Xoops.

Version: 1.01

Minimum requirements

  • PHP 5.2 or 5.3

  • GD2 library


  • Loading Images

  • Save images

  • Adds noise to the image

  • Allocate a color by RGB values

  • Applies convolution matrix

  • Applies a filter

  • grayscale copy of the image

  • a negative of the image

  • Performs an auto-crop on the image

  • Corrects gamma on the image

  • Returns a cropped rectangular portion of the image

  • flipped (mirrored over horizontal line) copy of the image

  • Retrieve an image with selected channels

  • A method lays the overlay (watermark) on the image

  • Returns a mirrored copy of the image

  • Resize the image to given dimensions.

  • Resizes the canvas of the image

  • Rotate the image

  • Returns an image with round corners


You can find a documentation for developpers here in french and english.


You can download here

execution time : 0.211 sec