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feed Xoopspoll v1.40 Beta 1 - Ready for Testing (2013/5/19 0:20:00)
Xoopspoll 1.40 Beta 1

This is an BETA release, do not use it on a production site!

Xoopspoll is a XOOPS module that allows an administrator to create polls to query site users. This completely refactored revision provides the ability for site administrators to create multiple poll types. This version adds the highly anticipated capability to allow anonymous voters, create blind poll types, create multiple selection polls, and introduces many additional new features.

Minimum System Requirements:
  • XOOPS 2.5.5

  • MySQL 5.07

  • PHP 5.3

  • Optional: Newbb 4.31 (irmtfan), or Newbb 4.00 (trunk)

  • Xoopspoll Features:
  • Create unlimited polls

  • XOOPS 2.5.x Administration GUI

  • Log all voters/votes

  • Integrated with forum (newbb) - irmtfan v4.31 branch

  • Limit votes by user

  • Notify poll creator when poll finishes

  • Multi-language support - no hard coded language strings

  • Set poll end time/date

  • Ability to restart an expired poll

  • Set poll weight (order) to change order of display in module

  • NEW Features in this version:
  • NEW - Now supports four (4) poll types:
    - Results always visible
    - Only show results after voted
    - Only show results after poll ends
    - Never show users the results

  • NEW - XOOPS search for question and answer fields

  • NEW - Block to select and display a specific poll

  • NEW - Black color graphic for answers

  • NEW - Allow adding more than 10 answers per poll

  • NEW - Ability to set poll start date to schedule future poll

  • NEW - Ability to import polls from XOOPS umfrage module

  • NEW - Support for SmartClone module (see extras folder)

  • NEW - Userlog plugin for index.php and pollresults.php

  • NEW - Ability to hide polls created with forum (newbb) from frontside of polls module

  • NEW - Persian translation (irmtfan)

  • NEW - Module preference (config) to show/hide vote/voter count

  • NEW - Ability to mail notification to poll voter (XOOPS users only)

  • NEW - Ability to set maximum number of answers allowed for multi-select poll

  • NEW - Ability for admin to clone a poll

  • NEW - Summary of results on admin log display

  • NEW - Ability for admin to PM voter in poll administration

  • NEW - XOOPS API using handlers for poll, option and log objects/classes

  • Corrections in this version:
  • Fixed sorting bug when displaying log in admin

  • Fixed bug where users could vote on expired polls

  • Fixed bug where 'anonymous' table column wasn't created on module update

  • Improvements in this version:
  • Added 'min_db' to moduleconfig array

  • Updated plugin for XOOPS marquee module (see extras folder)

  • Added ability to select XoopsEditors to enable HTML in poll descriptions

  • Added obscured graphic to hide votes/voters for polls that don't have visible results

  • Changed loading method for poll & option classes

  • Changed admin form display to use methods in classes

  • Changed admin to use XoopsPageNav instead of custom code

  • Changed module defines to use more standard naming nomenclature

  • Changed date selection in admin to use jquery calendar

  • Changed determination of when to send result email (use XOOPS preload)

  • Changed minimum system requirements to XOOPS 2.5.5, PHP 5.3

  • Changed name of ./admin/xoopspoll.php to ./admin/main.php

  • Changed poll description from varchar to tinytext to allow longer descriptions

  • Changed some database keys to improve indexing performance

  • Improved integration with forum (newbb) module

  • Improved HTML rendering

  • General code cleanup

  • Security in forms - many forms now use XoopsSecurity tokens

  • Why is this an BETA Release?
  • This module needs additional testing - Please consider helping!

  • The documentation isn't complete

  • The language translation files have the new defines included however they are in ENGLISH. Please consider helping translate

  • The patch for the v4.31 irmtfan version of newbb has been tested. A patch for the 'official' 4.00 version needs to be more thoroughly tested

  • Did we mention this module needs additional testing?

  • Important Notices:
    Please read the /docs/install.txt file for installation and configuration information.

    Installing Extra(s):
    The files to use as plugins and/or patches for existing modules are located in the ./xoopspoll/extras folder. Please read the readme.txt files located in their respective folders for more information. This folder should only be copied to your XOOPS installation if you want to integrate it with one of the modules listed below. This folder's contents are not required if you do not need the integration provided with the Marquee, SmartClone or Newbb modules.

  • Marquee Module Plugin

  • - Copy the xoopspoll.php file(s) located in the ./xoopspoll/extras/marquee/plugins folder into the ./marquee/plugins folder. This plugin will use the new class/methods to access the Xoopspoll module.

  • SmartClone Module Plugin

  • - Copy the xoopspoll.php file(s) located in the ./xoopspoll/extras/smartclone/plugins folder into the ./smartclone/plugins folder. This plugin will use the new class/methods to access the Xoopspoll module.

  • Newbb Module Patch

  • - Copy all of the files located in the ./xoopspoll/extras/newbb/irmtfan folder into the ./newbb folder to overwrite the existing files. This patch replaces several files and will now allow newbb to use the new class/methods to access the Xoopspoll module.

    NOTE: The ./xoopspoll/extras/newbb/trunk_4_00 files have NOT been tested in this BETA release - ONLY USE THESE FILES ON YOUR NEWBB INSTALLATION IF YOU CAN HELP DEBUG THE FILES!

    Backup your existing site before installing/upgrading any XOOPS module.

    Download: Xoopspoll Module

    Bugs/Feedback: Please post in this thread on our Forums

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