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  ホーム >> RSSセンター >> Theme Factory 7 - My new theme model to XOOPS


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link XOOPS.org XOOPS.org (2024/9/21 7:50:58)

feed Theme Factory 7 - My new theme model to XOOPS (2013/6/11 11:30:55)
I bring to you another new version of the theme factory, a simple model themes for XOOPS, the package includes three variations of the theme, and thus a greater range of possible layouts.

The package also includes within the plugins folder:
- Nivo Slider for integration
- Skitter Slider for integration
- Menu dropdown for integration
- Lavalamp menu integration
- Megadropdown for integration

Integrate is very simple, just include the .html desired functionality in theme.html and call the .css and and .js respectives.

http://demo.xoopsfire.com/index.php?x ... heme_select=theme-factory

http://demo.xoopsfire.com/index.php?x ... select=theme-factory-left

http://demo.xoopsfire.com/index.php?x ... ct=theme-factory-b-blocks

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Download: http://xoopsfire.com/modules/TDMDownloads/singlefile.php?lid_=85

Hope you enjoy.

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