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link XOOPS.org XOOPS.org (2024/9/21 7:50:58)

feed Module for stunning Presentations coming soon to XOOPS (2013/8/30 0:10:00)
I was reading yesterday an interesting article about integrating Impress.js , the awesome java_script library that can create absolutely stunning presentations similar to Prezi, into WordPress ( see here ).

And I was thinking that it would be cool to have something like this for XOOPS users too. How difficult would it be?

So last night I've started working on making a module that could contain presentations and slides in the database.

Using TDMCreate, it went relatively fast, and I am happy to show you the pre-Alpha version of XOOPS Presenter

Original Image

As an example, I took the original presentation from Impress.js , and placed it in the database. Each slide is now served by XOOPS individually, and we can set the options (like rotation, scaling, etc.) for each of them.

So pretty soon XOOPS users will be able to take advantage of the amazing capabilities of this cool java_script library.

Please check it out , and let me know what you think...

Just click on the "Slides" link and enjoy the presentation.

I hope, we'll have soon some cool presentations about XOOPS itself, especially since there will be quite few new and exciting things coming in the upcoming weeks and months

BTW - this presentation requires modern browsers, like Chrome. IE will probably fail there.

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