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  ホーム >> RSSセンター >> XOOPS Promotion in Germany and Worldwide - volunteers needed!


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feed XOOPS Promotion in Germany and Worldwide - volunteers needed! (2011/10/17 16:20:00)
Sven Seidel from XOOPS Germany started a XOOPS PR/Marketing campaign , and we would like to support them, and hope that other countries will follow.

While XOOPS's journey is not always without challenges, nevertheless, XOOPS remains one of the more popular CMS solutions around, often mentioned together with Joomla, Drupal, and WordPress, on various lists of best CMS.

So Sven posted following challenge:
What can we do as XOOPS community to help XOOPS to move back into the focus of potentially interested users?

1) We need to actively promote XOOPS in Social media!

I did the start and set up a Facebook - fan page and a Twitter - Account.

Now it is important that you all now, if not done already, press the "Like" - button on Facebook, or follow our channel on Twitter.

Only then can your friends and fans be alerted and informed about XOOPS, and be supplied with continuous, interesting news. In time, through viral marketing, we'll achieve a noticeable increase in popularity of XOOPS!

2) We need to actively promote XOOPS on CMS-related blogs and Websites!

A few days ago I got an email from www.contenmanger.de . I was asked for an interview. There are many important CMS-related portals/Websites which would be glad to release XOOPS News. Now we just need to start supplying them with information.

3) Promote internally to our members and via email marketing

We have a large www.MyXoops.org community that needs to be re-activated to certain extent. It should be also possible to reach our target audiences through external advertising campaigns, such as an email campaign.

4) Translate XOOPS modules & Core releases, create documentation and design new themes

A CMS lives and dies with modules, hacks and themes. There are many professional XOOPS modules, which unfortunately are not known in Germany. We need to change that!

Leading the way for me personally, are modules from [Eduardo Cortes]:

Bleekk and Sinnemax already provide the community already with reliable and good themes. It would be obviously great if we could also win for XOOPS module developers of Alfred's caliber.

5) Help us!

If you have time and desire, you're more than welcome to join us in getting attentions of potential users for XOOPS! You don't have to be a theme designer, or PHP programmer. In principle, any help to make XOOPS more popular is welcome. We are looking for:

- Theme designer
- Module programmers
- Translator
- Tester for modules, core versions and themes
- promotion experts
- Documentation writers
- Moderators
- or whatever you want to do to help XOOPS become more popular

This should be just a general outline. Please use this thread to discuss further these issues. Interested parties should not hesitate to contact me via PM and be part of our motivated XOOPS Germany team .

Do you have other suggestions? Well, then just tell us, because XOOPS is powered by YOU!

Congratulations to XOOPS Germany for this initiative! Please start something similar on your local XOOPS Support sites !

The same is for this Website - please let us know if you would like to help and get involved!


Please discuss this article and volunteer in this thread

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