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link XOOPS.org XOOPS.org (2024/9/21 7:50:58)

現在データベースには 542 件のデータが登録されています。

feed SourceForge adds XOOPS to its directory of "Enterprise-Ready Open Source Projects" (2013/3/31 5:30:00)
SourceForge has recently announced creation of a directory for " Enterprise-Ready Open Source Projects ", or "Enterprise Directory" . These are the projects that are geared specifically for use within a company. This might include areas such as proje ...

feed Xoops France: Mobile Version (2013/3/30 4:10:00)
It is with pride that the team Xoops France is pleased to present the new version of your support national francophone mobile version. Now thanks to this application you can watch on your mobile phone or tablet every news forum, news, and stay in tou ...

feed XOOPS 2.5.6 RC 1 Released for Testing on PHP 5.4 (2013/3/29 2:00:00)
After over 42,000 downloads of XOOPS 2.5.5 , we're getting closer to release of our next version: XOOPS 2.5.6 As more and more hosts are switching to PHP 5.4.x, some of our users are having issues with XOOPS 2.5.5, since it was not certified for PHP ...

feed Classifieds 2.53 RC1 Released 3/27/13 (2013/3/29 1:40:00)
I have just released Classifieds 2.53 RC1. There are no new features except the admin has changed a bit. It now uses the new module admin style. I also changed the way categories are listed in the admin. I did it the way Mamba did in my Jobs module. ...

feed Complexedusahel.org: a website powered by XOOPS (2013/3/29 1:20:00)
www.complexedusahel.org is a website for Algerian Hotel: Complexe du Sahel. The website is based on xoops 2.4.3. French edition . To showcase the hotel services I've used these modules: - news 1.66 - Contact 1.6 - extgallery 1.07 The Website ha ...

feed Mylinks 3.11 RC3 (2013/3/26 23:45:45)
This is an RC release, please do not use it on a production site! Mylinks is a XOOPS module that allows an administrator to create a series of website links. The module provides the ability for other users to submit sites for inclusion in the list w ...

feed XoopsFaq / jQuery Plugin: fancy FAQs (2013/3/26 20:56:33)
Xoops Faq view scripts folder / modules/xoopsfaq/templates images folder / modules/xoopsfaq/images xoopsfaq_category.html / modules/xoopsfaq/templates Download : https://sourceforge.net/projects/xoopstr/files/Hack/ Demo : http://evsad.org.tr/modules ...

feed Extension Rating 0.1 Beta 1 for XOOPS 2.6.0 (2013/3/26 6:54:27)
Rating is an extension that allows you to easily add a voting system to the inside of your modules, you can add as many as you want. For example, to rate a hotel, restaurant service, quality of food, price, etc.. It can be used for any module, it wor ...

feed Publisher News Views - Hack (2013/3/26 6:53:16)
The team on Xoops-tr.com did some improvements in the Publisher, improving on the View, and we wanted to share with all XOOPS users. Big thanks to Trabis once again for this module. publisher_display_wfsection.html Ekran Goruntuleri / Screenshots : S ...

feed TDMCreate module version 1.39 Beta 1 for Test (2013/3/26 6:48:13)
After just released beta version 1.38.6 we continue with the development of the module, adding features that were already planned for some time that solve problems with entering the decimal version of the string, and other errors due to old code, suc ...

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